Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nickel and Dimed Evaluation

Barbara Ehrenreich's self evaluation emphasizes that wages are too low and the cost of living is extremely high. A job will not necessarily get a person out of poverty. Many of the poor work two or more jobs and still find it difficult to live comfortably.Ehrenreich's feels that America looks down on those who are forced to get on welfare and are seen as lazy people who need to get it together. She believes America should be ashamed, because many of those who are on welfare work extremely hard and do the the jobs that many would not dare do but they are forced to get on welfare because the cost f living is simply too high.Overall, through out her experiment she feels that she did exceptionally well. She made a few mistakes but for the most part her job performance was good.

Discussion Questions
Barbara states that America should be ashamed for looking down on those who are on welfare?Do you believe that many people look down on welfare recipients and see them as lazy and people who need to get it together?

After evaluating herself Barbara believes that her overall performance was good? How do you feel that Ehrenreich did? Did she perform at the best of her abilities?