Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Gay Marriage Sloution: End Marriage

Michael A .Lindenberger’s “A Gay Marriage Solution: End Marriage” elucidates the controversial issue of homosexual marriage .Using anecdotes Lindenberger argues that the government cannot incorporate religious ceremonies into the law. Experts say the way to avoid theses legal battles over gay marriage is to take marriage out of the hands of the government. The author argues that the best way to end the controversy is to take the word marriage away. The only problem is that many will feel as though you are taking something away from them. Instead of calling it marriage, gay and straight couples should be issued licenses announcing them as a union. If their religious beliefs support their conj ointment then they can refer to themselves as married. Justice Ming Chin argues that allowing some to join hands in matrimony and not others disobeys the constitution which is supposed to guarantee equal protection under the law. If the government is not stopped from controlling matters like this they will remain effecting our personal decisions.
Discussion Questions
Is it really fair for the government to control ones personal beliefs?
If logical appeals were not used would the author’s argument be credible?

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